Yesterday morning we both went and got iPhones. We had to have a company rep. go with us as translator and we had to take our "alien registration cards" (kind of like a social security card but for foreigners). Other than that the process wasn't very exciting or different than it is in the States.
But now that I have a camera phone I can surreptitiously take (and post) pictures of some of the getups people wear out in public around here. Those
are, in my opinion, a little different. First let me be clear -- there are
a lot of cute clothes here. And for the most part Japanese women really know how to wear them. (FYI, I will mostly be reporting on what the 20-30 year old female crowd is wearing. Write what you know, right?)
In general you see a lot of chic French-ish fashion that's very girly. The only thing about the clothes here that has taken me aback at all has to do with footwear. First, it is still a part of the culture here to take your shoes off before entering some places. Mainly other peoples houses and Japanese restaurants. I have been to at least three Japanese restaurants where I had to leave my shoes at the door. I believe this is the reason why you rarely see women without socks, tights or pantyhose. That's right, everyday just-going-to-the-grocery-store pantyhose.....often with high-heel open-toed sandals and shorts or a miniskirt. (For those that don't know, I
abhor pantyhose and was
horrified to see them worn with shorts and sandals.) Tights and knee-high (yes, school-girl style) socks are also often worn with high-heeled open-toed sandals. And yes, I know you
do see this style sometimes in the States, but trust me, not nearly as often as you see it here.
While I absolutely refuse to put on shorts, sandals and pantyhose to go to the grocery store, I will concede to not wandering around a Japanese restaurant or house barefooted. So I bought another common (and pretty cute) item worn by Japanese women. I have no idea what they call them, but I refer to them as "socklets". These are typically worn with close-toed flats or pumps. (Yes, I am very observant regarding footwear, so what?) They come in pretty patterns and give me some options in regards to shoes worn out only to be taken off..... Next week look for some more posts about fashion and hopefully some spy-photos....
they don't all have the band
around the ankle |
another style |