Several months ago I realized there was a nice little shrine not far to the north of us. For a long time I didn't know it was there because I never walk that way
because there is no food in that direction. But Chad has taken to driving us by it regularly and it's finally warmed up enough that we can take semi-regular afternoon walks. So a few days ago we headed that way.
Once we got close to it I realized (duh) that it isn't really a Shinto shrine, or at least I don't think so. It appears to be more of a Buddhist temple. While we were staying in Tokyo I did a
post where I indicated some differences between the two.
Further leading me to believe that it is a Buddhist temple is the fact that it is surrounded by cemeteries and actually has some cemeteries on the temple grounds. It's my understanding that in Japanese culture, Buddhism is associated with funeral rites whereas Shinto is associated with celebrations of life and new beginnings (like births).
I couldn't find this temple on Google Maps which makes it hard for me to find out the name of it or any information about it. Since I posted about cemeteries a while back I have learned that they usually have a caretaker who is paid by the family or families to take care of the grounds. The caretaker usually lives in a house near the cemetery. I wonder if this temple is associated with a prominent family or just a large neighborhood. If I can find out I'll update.
And I hope you enjoy my first attempt at photo-collaging. :)
1- cherry blossoms (I think)
2- a really pretty spot on the grounds
3- a particularly pretty entrance
4- a row of statuary as you walk in
5- the temple
6- what appears to be an alternate entrance
7- from inside looking back out
8- headstones and statuary at the entrance
9- a giant and very wordy gravestone (with one lone red character)
10- a stone frog