June 27, 2014
Rainy Season
It's the rainy season here which can make for some boring days inside. But if you can manage to get outside during a break in the rain, you can see some beautiful Japanese countryside. The rain has cleared the air so you can see all the way to the mountains over the new fields of rice. Here are some shots I took recently on a walk (but they don't do it justice).
June 23, 2014
Photo Shoot
A few weeks ago I took Cora to a local chain photo studio called Studio Alice. Studio Alice is a popular chain with many, many locations all over Japan (the website is all in Japanese). It was fairly similar to a kid/family photo studio in the US but there are a few differences here and there.
Studio Alice caters mainly to child photo shoots, but can accommodate taking portraits of entire families. You can bring your child with their own regular dress clothes (suit, tie, frilly dress etc.) but a very popular thing to do is take your kid and dress them up in Studio Alice's elaborate costumes including fake hair and makeup if you so choose. (It reminds me a bit of those old Glamour Shot setups that were so popular when I was in middle school.) The costumes range from Disney princess dresses, Halloween-type characters and traditional Japanese kimonos. As mentioned in my previous post, this is also a popular place to bring your child for their Shichi-Go-San photos.
Of course, I wanted to have Cora's photos taken in a little kimono because, well, when in Rome, right? It's an opportunity that can't be passed up while we're here. When they presented me with the options for fake hair I was so enormously entertained that I make the foolish mistake of letting them put some on her. It was funny, but so not worth the time and effort. If you're ever in the same situation, be smarter than me and don't try to put fake hair on a squirmy almost-two year old. I was there with an American friend and we took some shots her kids while wearing the fake hair but none of them turned out so great. Multiple tiny kids and elaborate fake hairdos? I have no idea what we were thinking. ;)
Disclaimer: Studio Alice doesn't allow you to take photos inside the store for obvious reasons but you can take video. So the shots below are mostly stills from videos we took, which is why they aren't that great.
I grabbed this shot of the walls of costumery that greets you when you walk in |
The photos below are stills from when we were getting Cora ready. You can see some of the fake hair if you look closely. Note that my iPhone is the only thing keeping her still for the hair-fixing. And in the dressing photo she is actively trying to run away. Photo shoots are not her thing, unsurprisingly.
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After we took the photos we sat down to review them and pick a package. The packaging and pricing was fairly comparable to what you would see in the US but they would not sell me digital copies now. After one year I can go get them on a CD for a nominal fee. Not a big fan of that but whatever. So I took the copies they gave me and scanned them.
Although it was not the most relaxing day I've ever had, I'm really glad we did it and I know that one day far in the future we'll look at them and remember that crazy time when we lived in Japan. :D
June 22, 2014
You might be thinking "What kind of post title is that? Did she forget to proofread?" No, I did not. ;)
It refers to a Japanese tradition called "Shichi-Go-San" which is the subject of today's post. Shichi-Go-San translates to "seven-five-three". The tradition, in a nutshell, involves dressing your 3, 5 and 7 year old kids up to go take pictures of them, visit a shrine and/or have a party. Traditionally the day to do this is November 15th, but since it isn't a national holiday most families do it on the closest weekend. The tradition goes back as far as 800 A.D but changed a good bit around the 1800's and has stayed basically the same since.
I have an American friend here who has a 2 1/2 year old daughter. She, in turn, is friends with a Japanese family who was kind enough to offer to do Shichi-Go-San with her daughter (I'll call my friend "M" and her daughter "R" in order to somewhat protect their identity). I was fortunate enough to be invited as the official photographer/blogger of the event.
This Japanese family actually has their own "family kimono" that has been passed down through three generations. So R was the fourth to get to wear it. Not all families have their own real family kimono these days. Many families will rent them for dress-up occasions as they are rather expensive.
You may be wondering why I'm posting about this now as it isn't November. Well, (and this is information that I could find nowhere else on the Internet but I have it on authority from actual Japanese people) if you have your own family kimono (or even if you rent, I suppose) you can opt to also do a kind of "preview" Shichi-Go-San in the spring. This is for two reasons: 1) you can get pictures outdoors with the spring flowers and 2) you can get pictures of the kids before they get their summer tan.
You also may be wondering why we are doing this when R is only 2 1/2 years old. It's traditional to do it all in the year the child turns three, even if their birthday hasn't passed yet. Alternately, some families may choose to use the East Asian method of calculating age, in which a child is one year old at birth and gains a year on each lunar new year.
We started at a hair salon near the home of our host family (run by a family friend), where R was given a fancy updo.
We moved into a side room in the hair salon where the stylist (who is also known as a "kimono master") proceeded to dress R up in the many layers of a three-year-old's kimono. I'll stop here and praise R, because she was extremely patient and well-behaved during all this. I couldn't help but think of my own child, who wouldn't have stood for it, no way, no how (and I know this for a fact, but more on that in a later post).
After she was finished, we took a trip to a local shrine where we took family photos. And then we went to a local park for more photos. Below is one of my personal favorites.
Many thanks to M and her family for inviting me to see a Shichi-Go-San and for allowing me to blog about it!
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