October 2, 2012

Random Stuff

I had a post planned about all the girl's bars that were down on the main street near our apartment.  I had photos and everything....but somehow they got deleted in all the baby excitement.  Girl's bars, so you know, are not strip clubs but more of a Hooter's type situation.  Maybe a cross between the two.  Scantily-clad girls are paid to entertain men.  But not "entertain" men, if you catch my drift.  Supposedly, anyway.....it depends on what you read about them.  I read an article recently about how law enforcement is cracking down on them (to make sure they're on the up and up) so as to "clean up" Tokyo for the 2020 Olympic bid.  Which implies that some "entertaining" does go on.  Anyway, there were a bajillion of them down the hill....and as far as I know it wasn't an area known for them.  My photos were just of the signs, particularly the ones that say "girl's bar".  Hopefully I'll revisit the topic one day....for now just amuse yourself with the mental picture of a hugely pregnant girl taking careful photos of pseudo-strip clubs.

We moved back to Ota this weekend and are having to re-adjust (mostly to not having cleaning ladies).  For now, I can only blog on my iPad.  Mainly because there's always a baby in my lap.  The only catch with the iPad is that I can't add photos.

I miss the garbage disposal in that apartment.  They aren't popular here at all.  Chad tried to get one installed for me here as a "thanks for having my baby" present (it's what I requested when asked---I wanted it way more than jewelry etc.) but he learned that it would be over $4000 (not a typo) and we would have to have it uninstalled when we leave.  So I might get jewelry after all, because I'm not getting a disposal.  :(  Japanese people are really not into creature comforts in their homes....

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