October 14, 2011

Curiouser and Curiouser

As I am still suffering from horrible jet-lag, (not having a job to go to during the daylight hours hinders recovery--I know, I know, cry me a river ;) I am going to phone in a post I've had on the back-burner for a long time.

Most of the houses in our neighborhood (but not ours) are surrounded by concrete walls that are about, oh, six or seven feet high.   For some reason that is unknown to me, almost everyone has a tiny little door (I would have to hunker down pretty low to go through them if that gives you any idea) built into their wall.  Chad and I disagree as to what is on the other side of the doors; I think it's Wonderland but he thinks it's John Malkovich's mind.

Side note: I asked someone about who owns the paddy fields near our house and was informed that they are the property of small-time local farmers.  I also received what I refer to as the "foreigners-sure-do-ask-ridiculous-questions" look.  I get this look a good bit (along with vague answers and/or laughter) which is why sometimes I just don't ask. 

I also call them the "hobbit doors" in my head

Update: Since I wrote this post, I have learned that these are "kitchen doors" that were put into older houses as a place for deliveries to be made.  So there you go.  Mystery solved. :)


  1. Ok, it's killing me - what's "curiouser and curiouser" from? We say that all the time, too...

  2. Lol, it's from Alice in Wonderland. Around the time she is shrinking & enlarging to go through the tiny door.;)

  3. Nah, they're outside. If it were indoors it would be the UR.....maybe that's what the space in my kitchen floor is?


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