July 17, 2012

Baby Swim Class

This week one of the other expat wives asked me if I would bring my camera to her baby's swim class.  It was "picture day" and she wanted it documented for posterity.  Of course, I agreed, both because I like to play with my camera and because I was interested to see (and blog about) the pool facilities.  Plus, a baby swim class is bound to be both adorable and entertaining, right?

The pool facilities are part of the Antares Sports Club.  Chad actually has a free (or possibly just heavily discounted?) membership through his company, but oddly enough I am not allowed to go unless I am with him.  Currently the chances of both of us getting up the motivation to go to the gym together are slim to none, although we did do it a few times back in Greenville.  The day may come when I want to check out classes (and possibly paying for my own membership) but don't hold your breath waiting.

Anyway, the location we were at was pool only so I didn't get any gym photos.  And for the record, it was pretty adorable. ;)

the entrance

the pool before class
calling roll and singing a group song before beginning
(and me trying to keep my lens from fogging)

starting class (it was an extra big class both because of
picture day and it being a holiday)

lining up

here (with her mother's permission) is my little model

and I can't resist posting a close up of this kid, who cracks
me up because she's hoarding both a ring and four balls


  1. I love your adorable model's tiny swim cap. I've never thought of babies needing swim caps.

    1. As a matter of fact they are required for the babies and finding one was a chore, is my understanding. They sell them at the pool, but they were all too big for her. Don't recall where that one actually came from.


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