May 26, 2011

Mall Rats

There is a mall about a mile from our house. It was the first place we drove to and we still go almost every other day. There is a store at one end called Aeon which is pretty much Japanese Wal-Mart. The other end is a movie theater (yes, they show some American movies) and in between is an arcade, bookstore, cell phone store, fast food, sit-down restaurants, Starbucks, electronics store, drugstore, giftshops, bakery, dessert shop, florist and dozens of clothes/shoes/jewelry/cosmetic boutiques. The boutiques will get a post of their own one day, they deserve it, trust me.

Side note: We were told before coming that we would be stared at a lot because we're foreigners. I have not found this to be true.....we don't get stared at much unless people overhear us speaking English to one another and then they do a double-take. I think that being short, fair-skinned, brown-eyed brunettes really helps us blend into the crowd. Even kids don't really pay us that much attention which tells you we are not that unusual. We've seen a few tall, blonde foreigners out and about they really stand out. But even they are not being pointed at or stared at...the general public is pretty much focused on their shopping or whatever.

Aeon aka Japanese Wal-Mart

inside the mall

1 comment:

  1. Amanda D'EspositoJuly 4, 2011 at 8:39 PM

    There's also a pet store and a sporting goods store....for the record.


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