July 13, 2011

Little Shop of Horrors

One interesting (to me) aspect of the insane humidity here is that it is just tropical enough for carnivorous plants to thrive.  Garden departments here always have an assortment of Venus flytraps, pitcher plants and even some sundews and bladderworts ( I totally had to look those up to identify them).  And they're not like those pitiful, half-dead flytraps that sometimes show up in the Wal-Mart garden department back home.  These are big, healthy killers.

I had eyed them for awhile but last week I broke down and brought a couple of the smaller ones home.  Because I couldn't resist the novelty when you have no garbage disposal (that has gone to #1 on this list, btw) and can only throw away food scraps twice a week, you are in a constant battle against gnats and flies.  I am by no means a clean freak, but I can do a darn good imitation of one, especially when I see gnats.  Hopefully my new little friends are gonna help me out.

death traps....check out that crazy scary pitcher plant

this photo is right after I got it...it has
already put out another flytrap since


  1. Nice! This is not a perk I would have thought of as being a Japan thing.

  2. I know...there's a good chance I'll eventually post a video of us feeding the flytrap. ;)


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