July 19, 2011

Pool Party

This past weekend we went to a barbecue with some of Chad's co-workers. It was pretty much like an American barbecue, but with some slightly different food....I only took the point-and-shoot so the photos aren't that great, but at least I remembered the battery this time!

kids in the "pool"
eventually all the guys got thrown in the pool....
it was a very international party...Japan, China, France,
Thailand, Scotland and the US were represented

very intently learning how to make dumplings....
Japanese octopus balls, French-style salami,
Japanese beef and Thai wings, among
other things (I took brownies)

labeled chopsticks and cup bottoms...very efficient


  1. May I assume that some adult beverages were consumed?

    Mick (refraining from making an octopus balls comment)

  2. That assumption would be correct!!


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