June 8, 2011

Take Me Riding in the Car

In a day or two we'll get Chad's new car and then I'll post some about Japanese cars. For now I'll just say they are on my list of favorite things about Japan. ;)

A little bit about driving here: Driving on left side of the road isn't too bad, mostly you just have to relearn how to stay between the lines. A lot of the residential roads are really, really narrow. Parking is a pain - it's like parking in a funhouse. And a lot of the standard road signs are totally different from those in the States. Oh, and the turn signal and windshield wipers are switched - imagine having to think about using your turn signal.

you can't really pull out far enough to look left & right, so
you use these mirrors at smaller intersections
this is a stop sign...it says "tomare",
which actually translates to "stop sign"


  1. Boy would I love to see you driving! You were bad enough in SC! Chad needs to take a pic of you in the driver seat and post!

  2. Amanda D'EspositoJune 9, 2011 at 9:12 AM

    Lol, nobody had honked at me or made rude gestures yet. I still won't drive at night though and I still want a bicycle. ;)


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