September 25, 2011

How Much Is That Doggie in the Window?

A week or two ago I met up with another one of the expat wives at Starbucks.  Afterwards she introduced me to one of her favorite pastimes....puppy-watching.  I knew there was a pet store in the mall but I'd never  been by it (the mall is massive) and I didn't realize that there were actual dogs and cats for sale.  Turns out puppy-watching is a popular pastime in Aeon.  That's not too surprising considering how much Japanese people love their pets.  Same as in the US for the most part, but judging by the year-round availability of a variety of costumes, dressing one's pet up is a little more popular here.  I have also seen two or three dogs being pushed around the Tokyo subway in dog strollers, which was a little startling.

Side note: It's hard for me to see puppies for sale in cages and I know I have some even more soft-hearted readers but at least they look healthy and well-cared for and seem to be rotated out into large play areas regularly.  They are also kept together as you can see below so they can play.  I was also surprised to see people petting them freely (the cage tops are open) so they get lots of attention.

dachshunds, for which I have a particular
weakness, are very popular here

puppy pile (by the way, these are some expensive puppies....that's
 at least $700-$800 worth of dog there)
I was not the only one who was enjoying the puppies

a photo I took a long time ago of all the pet clothes in Cainz
can't forget the kitties


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